Temple B

Temple B has been suspected to be the Temple of Fortuna huiusce diei (Fortune of the Present Day), which was a temple dedicated to Fortuna, the goddess of good luck, as indicated by the acrolith on the temple. As well, this circular plan temple was built to celebrate the victory of the Romans against the Cimbri of Viterbo in 101 BCE. 


  1. Sacred Area of Largo di Torre Argentina. (2015, September 3). Turismo Roma. https://www.turismoroma.it/en/node/1040
  2. Sandys, J. E. (1891). A Dictionary Of Classical Antiquities. In Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.24173/page/n349/mode/2up?view=theater, p. 250.