Temple A

Temple A has been suspected to be the Temple of Juturna, which was a temple dedicated to Juturna, the Latin goddess of fountains and wife of Janus. It dates back to the mid-3rd century BCE and was erected on January 11th, which was the day that marked the feast day of Juturna, and was perhaps built by Caius Lutatius Catulus to celebrate his triumph in the Battle of the Aegates Islands in 241 BCE. Geographically, this temple was located near Aqua Virgo, one out of the eleven aqueducts that provided water to ancient Rome, and the high platform for this temple was likely a response to the constant flooding that occurred.


  1. Sacred Area of Largo di Torre Argentina. (2015, September 3). Turismo Roma. https://www.turismoroma.it/en/node/1040 
  2. Sandys, J. E. (1891). A Dictionary Of Classical Antiquities. In Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.24173/page/n349/mode/2up?view=theater, p. 350.
Temple A