Browse Exhibits (17 total)

Largo di Torre Argentina


Largo di Torre Argentina was named after Argentoratum—a Roman military outpost located in modern-day Strasbourg—and holds the remains of four temples from the Republican age (4th-2nd century BCE), yet because the identifications of such temples are not entirely certain, they are named with the first four letters of the alphabet—Temple A, B, C, and D.

Fun fact: behind temples B and C is a large tuff base with the remains of Curia of Pomey, which was a site where the Senate of Rome was held and where Julius Caesar was stabbed during the Ides of March. 

Forum Boarium


This site was used as a space for a cattle market and was situated between the Tiber River and the Capitoline, Palatine, and Aventine hills. Historically, this site has been associated with Hercules, who was said to have arrived at this location with oxen but was robbed of them by a giant named Cacus. He later killed the giant and was honored as a god by the Arcadians. 


  1. The Temple of Hercules Victor. (2021, November 15). Turismo Roma.